I visited the community pre-school class of Kampung Sungai Bill in Slim River. Nora and her helper managed the community pre-school class there. I felt very attracted to the way the class was conducted by the teachers. The children were able to pay attention in class and complete their tasks according to schedule. I took that experience back with me in hope that I’ll be able to handle my pre-school class and my students better.

Saya telah melawat kelas pra-sekolah komuniti di Kampung Sungai Bill di Slim River. Saya amat tertarik melihat kanak-kanak memberi perhatian sepenuhnya apabila guru mengajar dan kerja dijalankan mengikuti jadual yang ditetapkan. Saya membawa pulang pengalaman itu bersama saya dengan harapan agar saya juga dapat mengendalikan kelas dan murid-murid saya dengan lebih baik.